Startup Sales – sales coaching and team building

“He just makes it really easy for me. So I’m super grateful that he, my friend across the world who’s a guy, can sound like me from my voice notes.“

She finally got the chance to focus on other aspects of her business by finding a copywriter that she can trust with her brand voice.

Michelle Terprstra is the founder and CEO of The Startup Sales Leadership Institute. She teaches business owners to master their sales conversations, and build bespoke sales teams from the ground up as well.

She believes copywriting and direct marketing are important for her business’s success and customer engagement, but it’s crucial that her brand voice is maintained in all communications. She’s used a lot of copywriters before who can’t do that.

Dropkick Copy has helped Michelle’s business over the years periodically with email campaigns. In 2024 Michelle decided to hand off most of her email marketing to us while she gave more attention to her team of 26 people. She was able to do this because she had full faith that we’d write her emails as if it was being sent by her.

“The relationship that we have is that I send him voice notes with everything I want to say, and I record videos, and then he takes it off my plate, puts it in beautiful emails, sends it out to our list, makes sure that we’re getting sponsors, makes all of my sales pages as needed, looks at the statistics and edits my videos.“

“…it’s hard to have a team of 26 and still stay present in your brand. Thank you for that.“

What we did:

  • Turned her voice notes into emails
  • Scheduled and published the emails
  • Created sales pages
  • Edited videos
  • Reported on the performance of her email marketing