Free Webinar – 10 Steps To Email Marketing Superpowers

Every $1 spent on email marketing gets you $40 back. That’s a 40x or 4000% ROI.

Why chase the latest shiny object when sending one email is like withdrawing money from an ATM?

In this webinar, I share 10 email marketing insights I’ve gained emailing my list every single day. (150,000 emails in 2018 alone.)

What You’ll Discover About Email Marketing

  • The true COST of hiring “affordable” copywriters [03:20]
  • When it’s the “right time” to hire a professional copywriter [04:30]
  • My top 2 tips for learning how to write copy [09:08]
  • The #1 email marketing mistake too many businesses are making [13:00]
  • How to get a 500% increase in revenue per subscriber (this is so obvious, I’m surprised everyone doesn’t do it already) [15:05]
  • Why popular opinions about email frequency and length are utter horses*** [17:10]
  • How to keep an email list “fresh” and engaged [18:15]
  • The true relationship between lead magnets and opt-in forms (it isn’t what most marketers think) [21:10]
  • How long it takes for subscribers to buy (and why the idea of “funnels” is arse-backwards) [27:20]
  • How to make your email marketing loosey-goosey and stress-free [30:30]
  • How to always have fresh content to mail your list and never deal with “writer’s block” ever again [36:35]
  • Why “grammar nazis” are your best friend [40:40]
  • The dirty-little-secret about copywriting a lot of freelancers don’t want you to know [41:22]
  • How to write emails that entertain, educate, and sell, all-in-one (no more pointless “lead nurturing” campaigns) [45:22]
  • And much more…

Do These Techniques Work?

Whichever way you choose to go through this training, you’ll come out with a much better understanding of “what’s poppin’ in the streets” with respect to email marketing.

In fact, check out these results sales coach Shawna May got after:

  • Giving up on email marketing for months
  • Watching this webinar
  • Implementing the lessons she learned

Now, if you’re ready to get your email marketing superpowers, let’s get started!

But first, a question.

How often should you email your list?

Lesson 1: Email Frequency

Email frequency isn’t magic. It’s just math.

Let’s take 2 scenarios.

I’ve made the math simple just to demonstrate the concept.

Scenario 1:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • $100 product
  • 4 emails a month
  • 60% open rate
  • 6% click-through rate
  • 0.6% conversion rate
Total sales = 1,000 subscribers * 4 emails * 0.6% conversion rate * $100 per sale = $2,400

Revenue per email = $600

Revenue per subscriber = $2.40

Scenario 2:

  • 1,000 subscribers
  • $100 product
  • 30 emails a month
  • 40% open rate
  • 4% click-through rate
  • 0.4% conversion rate
Total sales = 1,000 subscribers * 30 emails * 0.4% conversion rate * $100 per sale = $12,000

Revenue per email = $400

Revenue per subscriber = $12

You notice 3 things immediately:

  • You make a lot more money emailing more often
  • Your revenue per email goes down because more emails mean fewer opens and clicks per email
  • Your revenue per subscriber goes up a crapton (5x or 500% more in this example)

In the next lesson, I’ll teach you the reason why this asymmetric result is possible.

Lesson 2: Open-Rates And Click-Throughs

Here’s a screenshot of my email open rates and click-through rates from April 2018:

email open rates 2020 convertkit

And here’s June 2018:

I emailed every single day.

Added 400 subscribers between April and June.

Average open rate in the first screenshot = 35.25%

Average open rate in the second screenshot = 35.14%

Business owners and marketing managers think if you email too often, subscribers don’t like it.

I called BS way back when I was a little-bitty copy cub learning from Ramit Sethi.

Because I listened to someone with real-life experience, data, and success.

Now, I have my own data to call BS.

The only time your subscribers won’t like you emailing them…

…is when you send them garbage and waste their time.

As long as you are:

  • Entertaining them
  • Educating them
  • Adding value to their lives

They’ll be happy to get emails from you every single day.

So, don’t worry about your open rates.

Just keep serving your audience in the best way.

In the next lesson, I’ll tell you how to maintain this momentum…

…by highlighting one of the mistakes I made.

Lesson 3: List Engagement

You need to keep growing your list or your list engagement will drop.

You can still eat moldy bread.

Much of it is edible.

Just gotta get rid of the moldy bits.

And the best way to not waste any in the first place…

…is consume while fresh.

Like bread, your list gets stale.

To keep it fresh, you must regularly add new subscribers.

Recall that in my last email, I showed you average open rates of 35%.

Here’s what happened to my list when I wasn’t actively adding new subscribers.

This screenshot is from October 2018

email list engagement 2020

That’s an average open rate of 27.70%

That’s a 20% percent drop in open rates.

Which is roughly a 20% drop in revenue.

May not seem like much with a small list.

But once your list size gets into the tens or hundreds of thousands?

We’re talking serious money.

6 to 7 figures in lost revenue per year.

And all you have to do to avoid it…

…is go out and get more people to sign up.

What I just described is my 2nd worst email marketing mistake.

In the next lesson, I’ll tell you the worst.

Lesson 4: List Building

Your lead magnet is a big, beautiful wall protecting your opt-in form from bad hombres.

And by bad hombres, I mean unqualified prospects.

The screenshots I’m sharing with you are from an email list I built to get high ticket clients for our copywriting services.

More than a year on, it’s safe to say the exercise is a failure.

We got 2 clients.

Yes, the engagement is great and I regularly get complimented on the quality of my content.

However, the majority of people on this list are:

  • Beginner copywriters,
  • Solopreneurs who prefer handling marketing themselves, or
  • Intellectual masturbators

There’s nothing wrong with that, mind you.

It’s just not the audience I wanted to build.

Funnily enough, it’s this “failure” that became the catalyst for deciding to write and launch my book…

Dragon Energy: The Tao Of Personal Branding

Thank God I was able to salvage the effort.

In any case, there are 2 reasons why I didn’t populate this list with qualified prospects:

  • My primary source of new subscribers was Twitter, and my audience there are not the kind of people who buy high ticket copywriting services (another fail, but it’s a story for another day)
  • I didn’t offer a lead magnet. The only “offer” was my daily emails. (“lead magnet” or “content offer” is the incentive – like a free report or email course – to get people to give you their email address)
    Here’s the primary landing page I used to build my list.

Ignoring the lack of a lead magnet for a moment, what can you see is wrong with this landing page?

landing page copywriting 2020

In hindsight I should have known this wasn’t going to go down how I wanted.


Because the landing page was converting too high:

landing page conversion rate optimization 2020

At one point, it was converting at 40%.

If it was working as intended, and attracting business owners with a 7-figure marketing budget, the conversion rate would have been closer to 15%.

People think that the opt-in form is the gate leading to the content offer.

The opposite is true.

The content offer is the gate leading to the list.

A good content offer effectively repels everyone you don’t want on your list.

One man’s coal is another man’s diamond.

This email course I’m sending you is an example of a content offer that’ll repel some people and attract others.

But if I wanted to get even more precise, I’d create something that only has value to my target prospect.

Something 99% of people wouldn’t give a shyt about.

So, if you want to build a high-quality list…

…think about the work you do and the people you want to work with.

Then create a lead magnet that is valuable to them and only them.

In the lesson, I’ll tell you about the “dichotomy” of subscribers…

And why funnels don’t work the way people think.

Lesson 5: The Sales Cycle

They’ll buy from you when THEY are ready.

Recall lesson 3, where I taught you about list fatigue.

People on your list more than 30 days are significantly less likely to buy than fresh subscribers.

However, there’s a dichotomy here.

Some people will stay on your list for months, years even, before taking action.

Here’s an example:

sales cycle the time from lead to customer

With all this talk of list growth, conversion rates, earnings per subscriber and so on…

…we forget the subscriber is a human being with his own shyte going on.

And no amount of funnel optimization is going to change the fact that…

…they’ll buy when they’re ready.

The idea of a “marketing funnel” is descriptive.

Funnel is just the word we use the set of steps or actions a prospect goes through from stranger to customer.

It is not, like most people think, prescriptive.

I.e. you’re not going to force them through a bunch of predetermined steps to get them to convert.

To put it another way…

…a prospect who buys after going through a funnel…

…didn’t necessarily buy because of the funnel.

Hell, in some cases he might have bought in spite of the funnel.

That’s why you’ll have prospects who show up, ready to buy, right the hell now.

While other prospects who’ll take a year or more to buy.

And that’s why you should continue to build that relationship with daily emails.

So when the time comes, you’ve been top of mind all along.

And it’s also why I always hammer the direct response fundamentals:

  • Get potential buyers onto a list
  • Sell them something
  • Put the buyers on another list
  • Sell them more things

Because if you follow them, you’ll never lose your way.

In lesson 6, I’m going to take a huge weight off your shoulders when it comes to email marketing.